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Monday 13 December 2010

Front Cover Analysis

The masthead is very girly,fun and glamorous and this reflects the type of music that my magazine is trying to promote and focus on. The use of special effects that I used on photoshop to enhance the masthead such as inner shadows and outer glows makes it all the more eye-catching and much bolder- attracting more attention to it and grabbing the attention of my target audience, making them recognise and become familiar with the publication. The colours I used also reflect my target audience and represent the fun, care-free youthfull attitude of my potential readers. My chosen colour scheme of pink and yellow is also similar to other music magazines that focus on the pop genre such as 'Top of the Pops'.

I added the strapline to advertise the contents of the magazine in a quick, short and sharp way and simply because its a generic convention code of magazines. I put things that would interest my readers in the strapline such as 'competitions'so that it would instantly attract their attention and persuade them to buy and read the magazine.

Main Image
This image is a close-up of a teenage girl. The fact that it has been manipuated, making it black and white with one item in colour makes it very defined and instantly gives off an arty effect. The fact that the image has a black background makes it very easy to anchor and to add other layers ontop. The pose of the girl in the photo is very confident and angelic, shes pouting in a specific way and is looking directly at the camera, these factors will appeal strongly to my target market and the overall look of the model fits in with my pop theme. The fact that my model is wearing novelty glasses, (popular with teenage girls - my target market) and a flower clip in her hair immedietely highlights who my publication is for and is similar to what pop artists would wear.

The Price
The price of the magazine will be £1.50 due to the fact that my target audience are still in school and don't have any money of their own yet, so most probably will be relying on parents or pocket money so £1.50 is a reasonable cost. Also this is a very competitive price as most music magazines cost a lot more than £1.50 (inc top of the pops) so consequently as my magazine is a lot cheaper this may persuade more people to start reading this publication opposed to others.

Reference to Website
At the bottom of the front page, it says 'why not visit us at'/. This shows that the publication is easily accessible to everyone and that it is a very dynamic magazine. Also leading music magazines such as NME and Top of the Pops include web addresses.

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