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Wednesday 15 December 2010

EVALUATION: What Kind Of Institute Might Distribute Your Music Magazine And Why ?

My magazine would be distributed in a variety of traditional, unique and different ways, to reflect the publications ethos of traditional, unique and different music.

Institutes that will distribute my magazine

. Newsagents, supermarkets and newsstands.
Newsagents, supermarkets and newsstands would all be great institutions to distribute my magazine because they are traditionally expected to stock the latest and most popular publications. Clients would go to one of these institutes expecting to find a copy of the magazine they are looking for. These places would probably be the most common and easiest way of purchasing magazines and viewing the latest ones on the market. Purchasing your magazine from a  newsagent or a supermarket is also very convinent as you can buy other things at the same time.


.Music stores (e.g. HMV, Virgin Megastores)
Due to the fact that my magazine is of a music genre, I feel that it would be useful to sell my magazine in a music store such as HMV as this would guarentee that the right sorts of audience can see the magazine as the people who shop in music stores obviously find entertainment through music so a music magazine would more than likely appeal to them.

.Online Subscription
A cool, new and exciting way of distributing my magazine would be online. Readers could order an online subscription through credit card payments.This would ensure that the publication could reach everyone, even those who are unable to reach a shop to purchase the magazine. Other existing music magazines that already follow this concept are NME, who operate through a large media company IPC. To persuade readers to purchase this magazine in this dynamic way, discounts could be offered to entise customers e.g. half price when you order online.

.Other Retailers My Target Market Shop At
As my target market are relitively young and like to spend their money on clothes and make-up, I think that it would be a good idea to stock my magazine in other shops that interest my target audience, for example the majority of my intended target audience like to shop at fashion high street chain New Look, so consequently I feel that it would be beneficial to distribute my magazine there. Also as my target audience like to spend their spare money on make-up, I think that it would be a good idea to stock my magazine in high street stores Boots and Superdrugs, both of which already stock gossip magazines such as OK which cater for their older customers, however stocking my magazine would ensure that they are catering for a younger audience aswell as an older one.


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