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Friday 17 December 2010

EVALUATION: Who Would Be The Audience For Your Music Magazine ?

This mood board gives some information about my target audience such as age, gender, interests and hobbies.
The magazine focuses greatly on new music in the pop scene. The style in articles would be quite informal with using young linguistic colloquialisms such as 'OMG' and 'TTYL' to allow the publication to be inaccessible for older readers but extremely current and cool for teens. The gender of readers would not be mainly female as features like 'make-up tips' and 'fashion' would presumably be more aimed at a  female audience. The lifestyle of the readership would be quite similar all across the country due to the fact that the vast majority would still be attending school, however their lifestyles could vary seeing as they are mostly dependant on their parents and each readers lifestyle would depend on what their parents do for a living. Most readers would share similar hobbies and interests such as fashion and pop music.

The uses and gratifications theory demonstrates how the content would fulfil the audience’s needs:

  •     Diversion: The publication provides entertainment through its light-hearted, fun and vibrant articles and features. Also, it encourages its readership to enjoy music, celeb gossip and fashion in the comfort of their own homes.
  •     Surveillance: Information about the pop music scene is offered in every issue and information about the latest celeb gossip and fashion is also featured in every issue.
  •     Personal Identity: Interviews published in the magazine may affirm the identity of the reader, for example, an artist may mention a particular place they like to hang out (e.g shopping centre) and readers would be able to relate to this, also they may mention favourite fashion designers which might be the same as some readers 
  •     Personal Relationships:  Media such as magazines can be used within existing relationships, for instance, friends may discuss the content of ‘Candy’ with each other, also the features in 'Candy' may cause readers to go out and do things together, for example 'make-up tips' is featured and readers may see this and try the tips out on their friends. They could also complete and chat about the quizzes together.

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