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Wednesday 15 December 2010

Contents Page Analysis

The masthead
I decided to include the masthead on the contents page in order to make sure that my design was consistent. It also suited the colour scheme too. Existing music magazines such as NME include their masthead on their contents page thats why I consciencly chose to use this design feature aswell.

I chose to put a sidebar on the right hand side and put pictures inside it because I saw this particular design feature in another magazine aimed at my target audience. I think its very effective in adding a new dimension to the page, it also breaks it up and creates sections, making it easier and clearer to read and understand.

The Text
I chose to use the same typography as on my frontpage in order to remain consistency, also I feel that my chosen particular font style would appeal to my intended target audience so therefore I chose to keep it. The text was placed in directly in the middle of the page in order to attract attention to it.

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