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Thursday 16 December 2010

Audience Feedback Evaluation Video

In addition to my evaluation questions, I also asked a selection of people in my media class questions that would accompany my evaluation. I asked them various questions which would indicate whether my music genre and purpose and intentions were recognisable through the overall design of just my front and contents page.

  • From analysing my front page and contents page, my peers could instantly recognise that my magazine was aimed towards the pop music scene. They could tell this through the colours used (pink and yellow) as they reflect a girly, innocent vibe.
  • They could also tell that my magazine was designed for teenage girls with an interest in pop music through the photographs featured on my magazine. The poses of the artists appeal to a younger audience as they are quite sweet and cute. They dont portray any rough or hard attitudes which would be a common feature on an RnB based type magazine.
  • From looking at my magazine people came to the conclusion that the main purposes and intentions of it was to entertain. They thought that the focus on music wasnt as strong as the main focuses of fashion and celebs. They came to this conclusion from the images used and the text on the contents page.

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