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Tuesday 7 December 2010

Analysis Of My Photos

Front Cover:

This image is a close-up of a teenage girl. The fact that it has been manipuated, making it black and white with one item in colour makes it very defined and instantly gives off an arty effect. The fact that the image has a black background makes it very easy to anchor and to add other layers ontop. The pose of the girl in the photo is very confident and angelic, shes pouting in a specific way and is looking directly at the camera, these factors will appeal strongly to my target market and the overall look of the model fits in with my pop theme. The fact that my model is wearing novelty glasses, (popular with teenage girls - my target market) and a flower clip in her hair immedietely highlights who my publication is for and is similar to what pop artists would wear.

Other images

This is a mid-shot of a teenage girl. The fact that she is holding a make-up brush in her hand links perfectly to the text on the contents page and also indicates that the magazine is geared towards catering for a female teenage audience. The fact there is a blank white background ensures that all the attention is focused on the main image and not elsewhere. The model is facing the camera but looking slightly to the right- not directly into the camera lens which could suggest a slightly rebelious and cheeky vibe. A vibe which my target audience would be able to relate to.

These two images are of my featured artists- the girlband 'Miami'.They are both long-shots of teenage girls posing together in common ways in which a girlband would. The pink background highlights and puts emphasis on the girly aspect of the image and the fact that it is just a plain colour doesnt take any emphasis away from the people in the image. The poses of the models in the first picture creates quite a cheeky and funloving atmosphere- an image quite widely associated with the pop industry. In the second picture the models are looking directly into the camera with a smile on their faces. The way they are looking directly at the audience creates a more personal effect and portrays them as confident people (great role models for readers). The outfits worn by the models (such as flowery skirts, blazers and accessories) fashionable clothes, really highlight the genre of music this publication is linked with- seeing as fashion is very much a major part of the pop music appeal. The outfits also create a very girly vibe and could help reach out to readers because my target audience have a great interest for fashion also for example it could inspire them or give them something to talk about with their friends.

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