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Wednesday 3 November 2010

Studying Music Magazine Reader Profiles

I have studied reader profiles on two music magazines. NME and Uncut. I looked at various information that would help me gain more information on their readers and which audiences they intend to target with their publications.

 A summary of how readers consume music in each publication- similarities and differences

                                     Uncut Magazine

  • In Uncut magazine, their readers spend £50 a month on CD's, which is up from £40 a month in 2002. 
  • They also own 365 CD's in their collection.
  • The average spend per month on DVD's is £21, concerts and events £23, cinema tickets £14 and £8.50 a month on downloads.
                                     NME Magazine
  • Over the past 12 months readers bought 39 CD albums, spending £430 in total
  • They bought 45 CD singles spending £135 in total
  • 55% of them buy their music from a popular music chain e.g HMV
  • 46% of them purchase their music from a specialist  record shop
  • 28% of them purchase music online
  • On average each reader downloaded 15 tracks in the last month
The similarities are that readers in both magazines tend to both download their music online and purchase it instore. However NME readers tend to go to more live music gigs than Uncut magazine readers, 91% in fact.
The differences are that more males read Uncut magazine, 96% of their readers are male whilst only 65% of NME's readers are male.

Readers interest and relationship with music in both publications

                                        Uncut Magazine
  • 79% of readers like to keep up with the latest music
  • 97% of them are passionate about music, which is more than readers of NME
  • 49% of readers like to go to the cinema in their spare time
                                        NME Magazine
  • 91% of readers like to go to gigs regularly
  • 48% have been to an NME gig
  • On average they go to at least 1 festival per year
  • 92% believe music is an important part of their life
Overall I think that it is clear to say that readers of NME spend more money and time with music in their lives. The readers of NME spend more money on going to live music gigs and festivals compared to those of Uncut. However more of Uncuts readers say that are passionate about music than readers of NME. This could indicate that NME's readers are more elaborate and sociable and have a greater potential spending bracket.

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