The generic music convention codes employed by the magazine suggest the target audience are young teenage girls who have an interest in pop music and celebrity gossip.
The masthead boasts a fun and carefree vibe due to the fact that it is designed in girly vibrant colors and is written in a swirly font. This immedietely suggests that this publication is designed for a younger demographic as it isnt something that you would expect a reader of NME magazine- which is all about rock/alternative to be attracted to. The bright pink and yellow colors and the funky font are all features that are definetely generic convention codes of pop magazines aimed at a younger audience.
The strapline of this magazine also is very appealing to the intended target audience of young teenage girls as it fits in with the magazines main aim of displaying knowledge about celebs and pop gossip. 'Win Vanessa's make-up' this is a very typical strapline for this type of publication as it combines both beauty with celebs- something that presumably interests the publications audience immensely. This strapline is also a tell-tale sign of who this magazine is aimed at, as obviously it wouldn't interest readers of a rock/ alternative magazine like NME or Kerrang.
The main image is a mid-shot of teenage heartthrob Zac Efron placed right in the centre of the front page. The fact that he is smiling directly foward almost gives readers the impression that he is smiling at them which creates a personal touch, persuading the teenagers to buy the publication. The image is also very innocent and creates a sweet and cutesy vibe. The choice of celebrity will almost immedietely attract the intended target audience of younger teenage girls.
The mode of address suggests that this magazine is specifically tailored for a younger female demographic due to the fact that the language used is very unformal and almost feels conversational. Short phrases such as 'hot boys' is a generic music convention in teenage magazines as they instantly stand out and are straight to the point, they are also clear and easy to see and understand.
The features of this magazine suggest the target audience needs are
1. SURVEILLANCE - because the content is mainly about the world of pop including information on the personal lives of popstars and the latest trends and chart posistions.
2. DIVERSION - because the adverts and features are mainly for entertainment purposes such as film advertisments and gossip sections.
3. PERSONSAL COMPANIONSHIP - because readers can read identify and feel like they are getting to know the celebrities featured through exclusive interviews and pictures included.
4. PERSONAL IDENTITY- because readers can compare their lives with the celebrities featured and perhaps look up to them and use their lifestyles as aspirations and inspirations for themselves
The genre, mode of address and layout and design of the magazne suggest a niche/mainstream audience.

The generic convention music codes employed by this magazine suggest that the target audience are young adults who have an interest in rock/alternative music.
The masthead boasts a mature and stern image due to the fact that it is designed with a
simple typography and block colours. This immedietely suggests that the publication is designed for an older more mature demographic as it isn't something that you'd expect to appeal to a younger audience as it isn't particulary fun and eye catching. The use of capital letters creates a 'strong and tough' vibe which could link into the overall genre of the publication- rock, which is seen as a rough and masculine theme. The colour scheme of red, black and white is definetely a generic convention code of rock/alternative music magazines as 'Q' magazine also uses this feature.
The strapline of this magazine is also very appealing to the intended target audience of young adults as it fits in with the magazines main aim of displaying knowledge all about music and artists. 'Free CD' is a very typical strapline for this type of pubication as it is satisying the readers main passion- which is music. It also intises readers, persuading them to pay attention to this particular publication, opposed to the numerous other magazines that promote the rock/alternative genre of music.
The main image is a mid-shot of an indie band spread all over the front page. The fact that the artists featured on this image have neutral yet stern expressions on their faces is a tell-tale sign about who this publication is aimed at, as it obviously wouldnt appeal to a young teenage girl who would be more interested in a good looking young boy smiling directly at her. The use of this particular band will almost immedietely reach out and attract the intended target audience of this publication.
The mode of address suggests that this publication is specifically tailored for a young adult/student type demographic due to the fact that the language used is very blunt, informal and in note form. Short phrases such as 'love music hate racsim' is a generic music convention in rock magazines as it is short, snappy and straight to the point. Directly reaching out to the intended audience about issues that would concern and interest them. Short phrases are also clear and easy to understand and are instantly eye catching.
The features of this magazine suggest that the target audience needs are:
.SURVEILLANCE- because the content is mainly information about the world of rock including gig guides, album releases and award write ups ect
2. DIVERSION- because the adverts are mainly for entertainment and diverting purposes e.g games, movies and albums
3. PERSONAL COMPANIONSHIP- because through exclusive interviews with artists you can gain insights into their lives and personalities and talk about this with your peers through social discussion
The genre/mode of address and layout and design of the magazine suggest a niche/mainstream audience.
Similarities and Differences between 'Top of the Pops' and 'NME' magazines.
- Both publications are designed and tailored for a younger demographic who have no responsibilites.
- Both magazines contain numerous adverts
- Both publications promote new and current artists relevant to their particular music genres
- Both magazines have similar retail prices which could be because the potential spending bracket of the readers would be similar due to the fact that both magazines are aimed at students and younger people.
- Each of the magazines mastheads are designed in completely different colours, Top of the pops is designed in light, vibrant colours such as pink and yellow and NME's masthead is designed in a red, black and white colour scheme
- Each magazine is targeting different audiences, Top of the pops targets a young teenage demographic whereas NME is targetting the complete opposite as they are reaching out to young adults
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