Before taking the pictures for my front page, contents page and my double page spread I had to flat plan them first. When drawing them, I considered different shot types such as mid-shot, long-shot ect. I also made sure I had a various array of positions and props included.

This is the flat plan of the image that is going to be featured on my contents page. It is of three girls (who are going to be the band I am trying to promote 'miami') looking shocked. I have chosen to have them posing in this position because I will place this image under the caption which says' exclusive interview' and in addition having them posing like this will create the sense of secrets being let out and will emphasise the exclusivity. I have decided to make this a long-shot so I can have a vary of shot-types in my publication and so that I can have a more detailed picture which shows the background
This is the flat plan of an image that will feature on my contents page also. It is of a young girl sitting down reading a magazine with an interested expression on her face. This will be the main image on my contents page as it shows someone enjoying a magazine and the whole purpose of my contents page is to inform readers features inside the magazine that will interest them. This will be a long-shot so that you can see the whole posed position. The model I use will also be dressed up as a reader of my magazine would be, such as wearing girly clothes and accessories.
This is a flat plan of an image that will also be on my contents page. It is a mid-shot of a girl applying make-up. I decided to use this pose in order to reach out to my intended target audience as make-up is something that would interest them. I also wanted a variety of different poses and different activities to be going on in each image to make my magazine more diverse and interesting.
This is the flat plan of the image that will be on my double page spread. It is a long-shot of girlband 'Miami' singing into microphones. I decided to make it a long-shot so that you can see everyones oufits and see the background clearly.
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