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Thursday 18 November 2010

Double-Spread Page Promotion Interview

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be apart of the countries latest cool new girl band MIAMI  ?
Our exclusive interview with Cherry, Amber and Katie reveals all. Find out who's the messiest, who's takes the longest to get ready in the morning, who's the most glam, whether or not they enjoy attending the glitzy red carpet events and which girl is the most lucky in love !!!

Candy Mag: So how does it feel to be crowned as the next big thing in pop ?
Cherry: Absolutely amazing
Amber: It feels so unreal, we still can't believe how big 'Miami' is becoming
Katie: It's always been our dream to make it big, so after years of hard work in the recording studio to gain all the support we have is amazing and makes it all worth doing

Candy Mag: You must have quite a lot of fans by now, what's the craziest thing a fan has ever done or given to you ?
Cherry: One time there was this girl who dressed up as superwoman and got a taxi to follow our car around all day, she was crazy but it was sooo hilarious
Amber: Haha yeah that was pretty awesome, we love all our fans
Katie: A fan once gave me a tin of beans- which was quite strange !

Candy Mag: So you all live together now in London, which one of you is the most messiest at home ?
Cherry: It's definitely me for sure, no doubt about it
Amber: Yeah its so Cherry, she leaves bowls of food all around the place and clothes all over her bedroom floor, you can barely see what colour the carpet is
Katie: Cherry is terrible, making all this mess and she won't clean up. I dont think shes ever picked up a mop in her life !

Candy Mag: You are all very stylish girls, who takes the longest to get ready in the mornings ?
Cherry: We all take quite long in the mornings, it takes me about 45 minutes to do my hair and make-up on a regular day
Amber: I spend about an hour getting ready in the mornings, but seriously if you think that's long you should see Katie- she needs at least 2 hours to get ready. It's always me and Cherry waiting for her to finish putting on her lipgloss or backcombing her hair
Katie: Yes i'm the guilty one but you know, you've got to look good in the music industry. I just can't help it !!

Candy Mag: So who's the most glam ?
Cherry: I think Amber is, she's got so many glamorous dresses and accessories
Amber: Hmm, I would say it was Cherry, she's the girly one of the group
Katie: I think we're all glam but Amber has the most accessories and clothes and shoes and handbags so i'd say it was her.

Candy Mag: You get invited to lots of red carpet events now, does it feel weird actually going down the red carpet not just dreaming about it ?
Cherry: Totally, its so scary though, I always feel like i'm going to trip over or something and embarrase myself infront of all the paparazzi
Amber: Its so magical, to have fans screaming for you and holding up posters with your face on its amazing. And to know that you were once one of those screaming fans before makes it seem all the more surreal
Katie: I almost feel like I dont deserve to be on the red carpet, I dont see myself as a star or a celebrity- i'm just a normal girl who sings.

Candy Mag: So finally girls, spill the beans, who's the most luckiest in love ?
Cherry: Katie, she has boys after her all the time
Amber: Its defintely not me, i'm rubbish with boys, Katie gets all the boys giving her their numbers.
Katie: Haha thats so embarrasing, but yes its true. I suppose I do get a lot of boys giving me their numbers. Not that I call them back or anything LOL !!

Candy Mag: Thanks girls, you're all amazing. Good luck with everything, MIAMI will be massive I can sense it
MIAMI: Thanks Candy Mag !!!!!

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