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Sunday 31 October 2010

The Process Of Electronic Media Used In The Prelim Task

In order to complete my prelim task of making a school arts magazine there were various pieces of electronic media I had to use, in order to give me more decisions in designing and to make my magazine look as professional as possible.
First of all I had to use the software package 'Photoshop' which is used by amatures and in industry to edit photos and documents. I used 'Photoshop' in order to design various features of my front page, such as the masthead, the strapline, the colour scheme and the font style and size. After I had selected what colours and fonts I wanted to use and where everything was going to be positioned the next stage was taking pictures to place onto my front page.
I used a digital camera in order to take my pictures that would feature on the front page. Whilst taking those pictures I thought carefully about positioning and whether or not my pictures would be long-shot, mid-shot or a close-up shot. I took various shots in the end so that I would have a better of selection of photos to work with and edit.
After I had taken a wide selection of photographs I uploaded them onto the mac with a USB lead and uploaded them with the programme 'iPhoto'. Once they were all uploaded onto 'iPhoto' I then transferred them into my own documents, where I could easily find them in the future and easily open them up in 'Photoshop' to edit them.
Finally I then decided to use 'Photoshop' again to edit my photos, in order to make them look more professional and give them a more edgy feel. In 'Photoshop' I experimented with changing the saturation and exposure of the photos, I tried out various effects such as sepia and black and white tones. I also used 'Photoshop' in order to crop my photograph so that it would fit perfectly on the front page of my magazine where I originally positioned it.

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