The two music magazines I looked at were 'Kerrang' and 'Top Of The Pops'. Both of which are two very different publications, tailored to suit two very different audiences.
Based on my research so far I think that it is clear to say that 'Top Of The Pops' is targeted at a young mainstream demographic audience (aged 11-15), those of which who aspire to be like the artists they see in the magazine.
One feature of this magazine that immedietely alerts us to the fact that the targeted audience is of a young female demographic is the bright and vibrant colors used and the big bold images of teenage popstars such as Justin Bieber splashed right across the front cover.
Girly, eye-catching and vibrant colours such as pink and yellow are featured all over the front cover which would immedietely stand out to the targeted audience. The fact that swirly fonts are used and the text is in girly colours almost instantly portrays the intended target audience as it boasts a care-free, fun and girly vibe, not the type of publication that you'd expect a succeeder psychographic to read. Another aspect that clearly proves that this publication is intended for a young mainstream psychographic audience is the fact that a fresh-faced, sweet, innocent looking Justin Bieber is the main feature on the front cover , all our attention is focused on him, this image creates a cute, sweet and innocent vibe which obviously wouldn't be intended for anyone else but teens.
Finally another aspect that gives us insights into the intended target market are the adverts included in the publication. In 'Top Of The Pops' there is an advert on almost every other page, nine in total. All adverts included are definetely targeted at a young mainstream audience, for example there are no gig listings ect or items that would be suitable for an older audience. Advertisments that are contained are mostly; film, mobile phone technology, cosmetics and make up.
I think that the uses and gratifications of this publication are:
1. SURVEILLANCE - because the content is mainly about the world of pop including information on the personal lives of popstars and the latest trends and chart posistions.
2. DIVERSION - because the adverts and features are mainly for entertainment purposes such as film advertisments and gossip sections.
3. PERSONSAL COMPANIONSHIP - because readers can read identify and feel like they are getting to know the celebrities featured through exclusive interviews and pictures included.
4. PERSONAL IDENTITY- because readers can compare their lives with the celebrities featured and perhaps look up to them and use their lifestyles as aspirations and inspirations for themselves.
In comparison 'Kerrang' has a completely different target audience. This publication is aimed towards a young-adult alternative psychographic. The colours, images and adverts used all portray this.
The dark black and red colour scheme on the front cover highlights the fact that this publication is aimed at an older demographic as it doesnt boast a fun and exciting vibe. The colours really do suit and portray a 'rocky and edgy' feel. Also the fact that a rather stern looking Noel Gallagher is placed on the front cover immedietely hints at the fact that this magazine is for an alternative psychographic and not a mainstream audience.
The adverts in this publication also reflect the target audience because they are generally about things that would appeal to the intended audience such as gig listings, band merchendise, games and album releases from alternative music groups. Quite a lot of the magazine is made up of adverts, 18 out of 67 pages infact. The adverts are also generally designed in quite an alternative theme with dark colours ect.

I think that the uses and gratifications of this publication are:
1.SURVEILLANCE- because the content is mainly information about the world of rock including gig guides, album releases and award write ups ect
2. DIVERSION- because the adverts are mainly for entertainment and diverting purposes e.g games, movies and albums
3. PERSONAL COMPANIONSHIP- because through exclusive interviews with artists you can gain insights into their lives and personalities and talk about this with your peers through social discussion